15–30% From a Humble Bundle Purchase Will Now Go to the Storefront

The Humble Bundle team announced that starting from mid-July 2021, the no-donation option will be no longer available.

Previously, the games storefront allowed its users to donate all money to charities leaving the amount of money going to Humble Bundle at zero. However, 10 years after its launch, Humble Bundle is changing the payment options.

"The PC storefront landscape has changed significantly since we first launched bundles in 2010, and we have to continue to evolve with it to stay on mission. The update will allow us to continue to offer great prices on amazing games, books, and software all while supporting important charitable initiatives with every single purchase," the team explains in the blog post.

Humble Bundle started as a storefront where you could purchase collections at a "pay-what-you-want" price and allowed you to decide how much of it goes to charity and how much goes to Humble Bundle and game developers. The company began changing its sliders that allow you to choose the amount of donation back in April as a test of the update coming in the middle of July. 

As the team added, since Humble Bundle's launch in 2010 it has received almost $200M in charitable donations. The community has supported WWF, American Red Cross, Save the Children, and other important causes. With the latest update, the team is hoping to continue growing the platform and offering "great prices on amazing games, books, and software all while supporting important charitable initiatives with every single purchase."

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Published 06 July 2021
Kseniya Serebrennikova
Junior Editor