Check Out These Awesome Artworks Created For Star Wars Day

The Star Wars Celebration Art Show 2022 offers a wide range of new prints available from artists of various disciplines and styles.

Have a look at these amazing works created for the Star Wars Celebration Art Show 2022. Artists of various disciplines and styles showed their projects and told a story behind each. 

"My daughter Emily and I came up with the overall concept years ago. She mentioned how great it would be if I created a piece with a child looking up to their hero, feeling confident and empowered. My daughter was my inspiration; her thoughts and vision drove my work in a piece like this," shared the author Al Abbazia.

"A Han, Luke, and Leia piece that would reflect ‘hope’ as well as pay homage to our forever Princess Leia, our general, and most importantly, Carrie. A strong woman, a strong character, a strong role model," said Steve Anderson.

"I wanted to capture the excitement and the love for these earlier versions of the characters along with the sleeker, original design of the Falcon’s cockpit from the movie in my new artwork. ‘Punch It, Chewie!’ is my love letter to Solo," explained Joe Corroney.

"This piece showcases some of the different facets of Han and Leia’s relationship; using this shot seemed to frame that perfectly. All of the windows of the Falcon are a great mosaic to place scenes. This key scene of Han saying ‘I’m not in it for you,’ which I feel like ended up being false, was important to show. To me, Leia helped Han become a better man; he stayed with the rebels because of his love for her and because she changed him," said artist Karen Hallion.

The prints are limited to 250 pieces, with 200 available for pre-order and pick up at the Art Show, and 50 reserved for sale at the Celebration on May 26-29.

"I wanted to create a fun gig poster for one the best bands in the galaxy, the Max Rebo Band. Here’s hoping they get to go on tour soon across the galaxy playing hits like ‘Jedi Rocks’ and finally escape the Tatooine heat," shared Kate Carleton.

"These cards inspired my piece, as I wanted to recreate those same landscapes and scenes, but on a much larger scale. This in turn allowed me to convey the cinematic spectacle of each of the nine episodes with a unique panoramic view," said creator Alex Mines.

"This piece captures the strength of the young princess who, against all odds, formed a friendship with a farm boy, a smuggler, a Wookiee, and a pair of droids to destroy the Death Star and defeat the Empire. She would continue to guide the Rebellion’s continued conflicts against the oppressive Galactic Empire. Her leadership and determination serve as a ‘Beacon of Hope," described Adam Schickling

Pre-orders of these and other artworks are open from May 2 to May 16 on DarkInkArt. See more stories behind the pictures on the Star Wars website.

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Published 04 May 2022
Gloria Levine
Senior Editor