Clean the Ocean in This Cozy Game from Developer Who Lives on a Boat

Relax and help the environment in Spilled!

The world needs a hero who can help restore its ecology, and you can become one in Spilled!, a cute indie game where you clean the ocean and save the environment. Its developer Lente knows a lot about marine life because she lives on a 90-year-old boat where she started working on the game.

"I grew up on a ship and it's always stayed with me. Me and my mom have done a lot of renovating work on the boat, and I'm so happy with how it's turned out!"

Eventually, Lente wants to roam around on the boat and make games and art from wherever. You can see her efforts in Spilled!

This short game offers 8 areas to explore at your own pace. You need to clean oil spills, get rid of plastic, and save animals to earn money and upgrade your little boat. It's quite simple but Spilled! can be your relaxation abode after a difficult day.

Check the demo out on Steam, look forward to the new one in July, and join our 80 Level Talent platform and our Telegram channel, follow us on InstagramTwitterLinkedInTikTok, and Reddit, where we share breakdowns, the latest news, awesome artworks, and more.

Published 24 June 2024
Gloria Levine
Senior Editor