Don't Miss CG Event Metaverse This December

Check out this cool upcoming event for professionals from Russia and CIS.

On December 11-12, a conference dedicated to the future of computer graphics CG Event Metaverse is taking place online. The organizers describe the event as the meeting point for all those who are involved professionally in computer graphics business processes or are merely interested in digital art. CG Event Metaverse is planned to be the biggest computer graphics event for professionals from Russia and CIS.

The main topic of the event is, as you might have guessed already, the Metaverse. Over the span of a hundred presentations, dozens of speakers will try to explain what the Metaverse is, how it appeared and became a thing, how and why it connects different branches of computer graphics, and why Metaverse is considered to be the thing of the future.

"We all know — face to face discussions are far more effective than any kind of online communication (although those can be bloody effective nowadays). CG Event was born and is held every year to unite all Russian professionals and enthusiasts of computer graphics. Two days, thousands of people, a tough schedule, and a hundred cool CG names on our stage," commented the organizers.

You can learn more about the event here (in English) and here (in Russian). Also, don't forget to join our new Reddit pageour new Telegram channel, follow us on Instagram and Twitter, where we are sharing breakdowns, the latest news, awesome artworks, and more.

Published 25 November 2021
Theodore McKenzie
Head of Content