Edge Smooth Tool for Stylized Props in Houdini

Here is a small tool for smooth edges in Houdini.

In case you missed the news, 80 Level friend and long-time procedural master Simon Verstraete developed another great tool for Houdini. This new tool allows you to quickly create stylized hard-surface props and generate organic patterns for VFX textures. 

Edge Smooth SOP is part of the free and open-source toolset in Houdini called SideFX Labs. "This tool will smooth the specified input edge groups and relax the surrounding points. It can often be used together with Cluster SOP or Labs Random Selection SOP to create stylized models or FX patterns," states the description. 
SideFX Labs is a free toolset that helps Houdini users save time on a variety of tasks. It is an all-inclusive toolset that features digital assets, custom desktops, scripts, and more. The toolset is currently managed by Paul Ambrosiussen and Mai Ao.

Find more details on ArtStation. You can also learn more about SideFX Labs and get the files on GitHub. Don't forget to join our new Reddit pageour new Telegram channel, follow us on Instagram and Twitter, where we are sharing breakdowns, the latest news, awesome artworks, and more.

Published 03 November 2021
Arti Sergeev
Business Head