God of War Ragnarök Gets New Accessibility Features

They include caption improvements, bigger text and icon size, high contrast mode, and more.

Santa Monica Studio revealed over 60 ways to adjust gameplay in the upcoming God of War Ragnarök. 

"Not only have we redesigned our UI to allow for more flexibility and readability, but we have also rebuilt controller remapping from the ground up and added more customization to our combat and interaction systems," said Lead UX Designer Mila Pavlin.

God of War (2018) PC Features

The features include Auto Sprint, which allows you to sprint while the stick is held and stop when released. The Persistent Dot offers additional focal points to reduce motion sickness, it comes in three different sizes and seven different colors. You can also choose your aim and block style.

Subtitle and Caption Improvements

You will be able to change the text size and color and make it extra-large to be more readable and match TV and movie subtitle standards. The captions now show sound effects and can even assist with puzzles and narrative understanding. There is an option to turn on the direction indicator which shows the direction a sound is coming from.

Text Size & Icon Size

The UI text can be controlled to make it easier to play from your couch. The icons can also be made larger.

Controller Remapping

This feature allows customizing your button configurations. The developers promise a wide range of preset layouts, as well as custom controller remapping support. Individual buttons can be swapped and, for select complex actions, you can choose alternate configurations from a preset list.

High Contrast Mode

The high contrast color mode allows you to apply a color to objects in-game like targets, enemies, and other characters, as well as to a variety of item types. Traversal paint, loot items, and special effects can also be made more visible in this mode.

You can select off, on, or always on for gameplay only, which will exclude cinematics. High contrast mode can be set to toggle on and off.

Other Features

Some other handy improvements include Navigation Assist, which allows you to orient your view towards your compass objective, traversal assistance, which can automate gap jumping, vaulting, mantling, and other traversal features, and audio cues so that you can hear when an interact icon is nearby, as well as when the button prompt becomes active.

To celebrate Global Accessibility Awareness Day, the studio provided an audio-described version of the God of War Ragnarök reveal trailer:

Santa Monica Studio also promised to share more about the upcoming features like combat/aim assists, puzzle/minigame assists, HUD adjustments, camera tuning, auto pick up.

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Published 20 May 2022
Gloria Levine
Senior Editor