Intel Becomes the First Corporate Sponsor of the Krita Development Fund

Intel is pledging €30,000 a year to the fund. The money will go towards the future development of open-source digital painting software. 

The Krita Foundation, a project that solicits donations to support development work done by members of the Krita community, announced that Intel became the first corporate sponsor of the Krita Development Fund.

Intel will donate €30,000 a year to the fund. The money will go towards developing new painting capabilities in Krita "making full use" of Intel processors. 

The Krita Development Fund is a donation platform similar to Blender Development Fund. Like Blender's fund, the Krita Development Fund allows both individual users and companies to support the development of the software via a tiered series of monthly donations.

The fund's initial aim is to finance five full-time Krita developers – the fund intends to reach the €15,000/month target, and currently, it already has €8,768 monthly contributions thanks to donations from 444 individuals as well as Intel’s contribution.

Krita shared that with Intel's support, the organization will now be able to build a more stable developer foundation that would allow it to hire and retain developers. Additionally, Krita noted that this new partnership already contributed to the improvements in the new Krita 5.1 release and in the future, the companies plan to work together on the creation of technical documentation that will explore new art and painting technologies.

"This strategic collaboration will deliver a series of new painting capabilities, making full use of the 12th and future Gen’s Intel Core Hybrid technology using powerful P-cores and E-cores, as well as the Intel Arc GPUs, all resulting into a more powerful painting experience with less lag," VP/GM of Intel CCG Mobile Enthusiast & Creator Segment Jerry Tsao said. "We are also excited about the support for JPEG XL, offering significantly better HDR experience and higher compression ratios, hereby meeting the needs of image delivery on the web and professional photography."

You can learn more about Krita's partnership with Intel here. Also, don't forget to join our Reddit page and our Telegram channel, follow us on Instagram and Twitter, where we share breakdowns, the latest news, awesome artworks, and more. 

Published 20 September 2022
Ana Kessler