Patron Raised $90M to Invest in Games and Game Technology

The founders believe that games will shape the future.

Patron, an early-stage venture firm founded by former Riot Games colleagues Jason Yeh and Brian Cho, has raised $90 million to invest in games and game technology. The founders believe in the so-called Spectrum of Play, a convergence of all sorts of games and related gamified sectors, such as fitness, education, and personal finance and plan to invest in it. The founders think that the biggest opportunities in games will span across entertainment, education, health, shopping, crypto, and fintech and that games will shape the future.

“This idea of gaming intersecting with consumer apps and consumer software is actually an area where we get really excited,” Brian Cho said in an interview with GamesBeat. “Areas like education, personal finance, fintech, and fitness are where some great companies have been built, like Duolingo, Robin Hood, Strava, and Zwift.”

You can learn more about Patron and their plans by clicking this link. Also, don't forget to join our new Reddit pageour new Telegram channel, follow us on Instagram and Twitter, where we are sharing breakdowns, the latest news, awesome artworks, and more.

Published 20 October 2021
Theodore McKenzie
Head of Content