
Riot Games Calls Netflix Using AI for Arcane Image "Disrespectful" to Artists

The poster has been removed.

I don't know how many times I have to repeat it, but by now, big companies should know that using generative AI will definitely attract the wrong kind of attention.

Arcane Season 2 has been on everyone's minds a lot recently as Netflix released the last act of the League of Legends-based series on November 23. Everything went smoothly if IMDb's 9+ ratings for every episode are anything to go by, but some fans noticed a detail in one of the images that dampened their mood.

It seems like Netflix extended a poster for Season 2 with AI, and people were quick to notice typical inconsistencies, like whatever is happening with Jinx's arm.

Original (Netflix)

Extended (Netflix)

The news reached Riot's brand lead, who was apparently unaware of such artistic frivolity and called this "disrespectful to the incredible artists who worked on the show." The image has been removed, fans placated, and this situation has hopefully become a lesson for companies: internet users see everything, so it's better to ask the original company for more images to fit your format than lose your own reputation and harm that of artists, especially as talented as ones at Fortiche.

Take Wacom's and Wizards of the Coast's experiences with using AI for promo materials and the reception as an example.

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Comments 4

  • Anonymous user

    Netflix did a poor job using the AI tool to fit all possible formats. I was able to spend 3 minutes to do a better job with Midjourney editor. I love the artists, but thinking like the compainers would mean we would still be using stop motion animation today instead of CGI, so using thier own logic they are being disrespectful to paper animators. Ridiculous to those who think.


    Anonymous user

    ·2 months ago·
  • Anonymous user

    And now a widespread of AI filter using the art of arcane is another huge disrepect. People who knows nothing about the hardships in making the art keeps using the filters, and when they get warned by other artist they call them O.A.


    Anonymous user

    ·2 months ago·
  • Anonymous user

    Insane for Netflix to think Fortiche took 9 years + the OG artist who came up with Jinx &Vi need AI help 😂 Head of PR & Marketing+ their lead designer needs to be given harsh warnings


    Anonymous user

    ·2 months ago·
  • Anonymous user

    Artists meanwhile disrespecting carriage drivers and horse breeders by using automobiles, and monks by using printing presses.  Self-absorbed hypocrites.


    Anonymous user

    ·2 months ago·

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