Survey Reveals Devs' Concern Over Live-Service Games' Sustainability

Despite its widespread use, the live-service model has raised doubts among a majority of developers regarding its long-term engagement.

Live-service games, including popular titles such as Fortnite, Destiny 2, Apex Legends, and World of Warcraft, are a prevalent model. These games, updated with new features and content regularly, generate consistent revenue. However, a recent survey conducted by the Game Developer Collective reveals unsettling insights into this gaming model.

The survey, conducted from February to March 2024 and involving 600 game developers, revealed significant uncertainty regarding live-service games' sustainability. 

Notably, 70 percent of respondents expressed varying degrees of concern about the model's future viability. Precisely, 39 percent held minor reservations about the existing live-service business models, 31 percent expressed substantial worry, and the remaining 30 percent were either unconcerned or undecided. The main apprehension was the ability of constant updates and expanded content to maintain long-term player engagement.

Amidst these uncertainties, the survey uncovered a rising interest in the traditional model of paid Downloadable Content (DLC). Thirty percent of participants indicated they were considering paid DLC for their next game, a 9 percent increase from their most recent releases.

Interestingly, a February report from Griffin Gaming Partners revealed that 95 percent of game makers are developing or maintaining a live-service game. Moreover, a majority of respondents (66 percent) agreed that regular updates, characteristic of live-services, are crucial for long-term success.

What do you think of the live-service model? Let us know! You can check out the original report from Game Developer about this finding.

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Published 17 April 2024
Rita Hou
Junior Editor