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You Can't Uninstall Windows AI That Screenshots Everything You Do

Microsoft confirmed that the option to delete it is just a bug.


If you thought you could avoid Windows 11 spying on you, think again. Microsoft's Recall feature, which constantly takes screenshots of everything you do so you can find that video you watched or that meme you saw, has not been very popular with users. It's no wonder: not many people appreciate their computers collecting and potentially leaking their stuff, even though Microsoft claims the information is stored locally.

Recently, Deskmodder noticed that one of the Windows 11 builds allows to uninstall Recall from the system. However, Microsoft said it's just a bug, and no, you can't get rid of it.

"We are aware of an issue where Recall is incorrectly listed as an option under the ‘Turn Windows features on or off’ dialog in Control Panel," its senior product manager Brandon LeBlanc told The Verge. "This will be fixed in an upcoming update."

Recall has already been delayed so Microsoft could improve its security, and being unable to remove the feature is another reason for users to never trust the company, which already has a certain reputation.

The backlash the company faced because Recall was originally turned on by default made it change the policy, so now you will need to opt in if you want to use it. 

Earlier, mentions of an "intelligent media search" feature have been found: it scans and transcribes your video and audio to help you find information, which could also be a part of Recall.

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