
A Twitter User Shows How They Play Helldivers 2 in Real Life

It actually looks awesome.

If you're a big fan of Helldivers 2, a third-person shooter developed by Arrowhead, which became such a hit just in a few days since its launch, you might actually like the video we recently found on Twitter.

A Twitter user, who's known under the name of BigBadHater, posted an awesome video showcasing how they play Helldivers 2 in real life.

In the video, BigBadHater shows calling in Stratagems like Airstrikes, Specialized Weaponry, and Turrets by entering specific input combinations based on the arrow keys. For example, summoning a Resupply requires pressing DOWN, DOWN, UP, and RIGHT. They have now replicated these input commands on a wrist-mounted device, which looks like the one used by the character.

BigBadHater also shared another video of playing Helldivers 2, you can check it out below.

How awesome is that? Share your opinion in the comment section below!

Speaking of Helldivers 2, we earlier reported that some games were trying to make money by changing their names on Steam to scam people, making them believe that they were buying a real Helldivers 2 game. If you're confused and want to learn more, check out this article.

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Comments 1

  • Anonymous user

    Yea, but the stuff he does in the second clip might get you banned. So careful with promoting stuff like that. @lvl80


    Anonymous user

    ·11 months ago·

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