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ESRB Wants to Approve Facial Recognition Age Checker

The organization proposed a new way to detect a user's age. 


Entertainment Software Ratings Board proposed a new way that would help detect a user's age. The organization asked the FTC to greenlight facial recognition technology as a new method.

The method is being developed in collaboration with digital identity firm Yoti, Epic Games subsidiary and software company SuperAwesome. The filed proposal states the new approach allows accurately determining a person's age.

The proposed process: 

  • The user takes a photo of themselves
  • The system then checks if there's a live human face in the frame
  • The image is then uploaded to Yoti's backend server for estimation

As for safety concerns, the proposal says that "images are immediately, permanently deleted, and not used by Yoti for training purposes."

What is more, the organization believes that facial recognition technology does not presential a substantial risk to parents' privacy or potential biases.

"To the extent that there is any risk, it is easily outweighed by the benefits to consumers and businesses of using this Facial Age Estimation method," reads the proposal.

You can find the original proposal here. What's your take on the tech? Will games soon start using facial recognition tech? 

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