
Riot is Making More Female League of Legends Characters to Balance the Roster

Lead champion producer Ryan "Reav3" Mireles explained why Riot Games has been recently releasing more female champions than the male ones. 

League of Legends fans might have noticed that in recent years, Riot Games have been releasing more female champions than the male ones. According to lead champion producer Ryan "Reav3" Mireles, this was all the studio's strategy.

On the League of Legends subreddit, the producer clarified that by releasing more female champions the developers intend to balance the roster so that eventually they could make it 50/50 male and female champions. 

He shared some statistics on the game saying that a couple of years ago male characters represented 60% of the champions and female characters accounted for only 40%. But now Riot intends to achieve an equal proportion of male and female characters in the game.

Mireles also added that women play mostly as female characters. He said that Riot's data shows that actually 97% of female players only play as female champions, while men are equally split between male and female characters. So, according to Mireles, the claim that Riot is depriving half the audience by releasing female characters is fundamentally wrong.

"We aren't abandoning half our playerbase by making more female Champions," he wrote. "If anything whenever we make a male champion we are abandoning most of our female players, since most of our female players won't play male champions at all."

What do you think of the proportion of male and female characters in the game? Do you play as a male or female champion? Share your thoughts in the comments below and don't forget to join our new Reddit pageour new Telegram channel, follow us on Instagram and Twitter, where we are sharing breakdowns, the latest news, awesome artworks, and more.

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