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Artist Went on a "Choose Your Own" Adventure Created by ChatGPT

And then took a step further and made the characters' images with Midjourney.

You might have heard about ChatGPT – an AI model that can interact with a user in a conversational way – made by OpenAI, the creator of DALL-E. The possibilities seem almost endless: it can generate a movie outline, Python scripts for Blender, and even a "Choose Your Own Adventure" story. 

The latter is precisely what artist Martin Nebelong did. In case you don't know, there used to be books where you could decide where the story went by choosing one of the options provided. Think of it as a text quest, just on paper. 

Apparently, ChatGPT can create such an engaging adventure and even give detailed descriptions of the characters, which Nebelong then used as prompts in Midjourney to illustrate the story.

Art generated by Midjourney based on ChatGPT's description

"The chatbot was frighteningly good at understanding my questions, and rarely did I have to explain myself a second time," he said. "The system would also reference back to things we spoke about earlier in our conversation."

The bot turned out to be not only effective but also pretty poetic at times. "I was surprised by how it ended the story on the note about our universe being a wondrous place: You and the pirate crew must now face new challenges and forge your own path in this strange and wondrous universe," the artist told New World Notes.

Concluding the experiment, Nebelong muses about the future of such technology, saying that AI will be able to make high-quality coherent videos and even games, although not very soon.

I don't know where these tools will leave human creativity in the future. My big hope is that they evolve into tools that will allow for co-creation between humans and machines instead of tools that will just put us in the passenger seat. Currently, tools like Midjourney feel like throwing words into a big void and hoping to get thrown an image back that slightly resembles the one I had in my head. For future tools, I want to be able to paint brushstrokes and see them transformed into trees, paint some more and see the tree change and follow my pen."

Learn more about this fascinating story in the video and don't forget to join our Reddit page and our Telegram channel, follow us on Instagram and Twitter, where we share breakdowns, the latest news, awesome artworks, and more. 

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