
Autodesk Released 3ds Max 2024.2

It updates retopology, Boolean modifier, Assign Controller rollout, and more.

Image credit: Autodesk

Autodesk has launched 3ds Max 2024.2, a new version of the 3D modeling, rendering, and animation software. This release brings updated features and workflows, and here are the most important ones.

First of all, the Assign Controller rollout has been modified. The Motion Panel Assign Controller rollout has been improved: the panel is responsive and resizes to fit the length and width of the Command Panel. There is also a new context menu with useful functions to let you copy, paste copy/instance, paste to Wire, assign, reset the Controller to default, and show in Track View.

The Assign Controller rollout now shows the selected node as the root of the tree view so you can view the node, modifier stack, and the assigned material, and attributes update with the changes.

Image credit: Autodesk

Next, Autodesk updated the Boolean modifier: it has better sub-operand manipulation in the Modifier stack and improved performance and OpenVDB processing.

This version includes new support for co-planar operands, which produces better results when working with Subtract, Union, Subtract, Split, Imprint, or Cookie Boolean operations. Moreover, Boolean operands now retain pivot data, with Cut and Paste operations now working with both captured and live operands.

OpenVDB processing now has support for animated parameters brought in through operand objects. Additionally, hollow shapes remain hollow when using the OpenVDB Union, Subtraction, or Intersection operations.

Image credit: Autodesk

Retopology updates in this version improve processing times by up to 30% thanks to Autodesk ReForm, retopology's base algorithm.

Other changes include USD for 3ds Max v0.5.0 plug-in with support for MaterialX and updated rollouts in the export dialog, a new Enable Shape Angle Constraints option in the Snap Options to define your own angle constraint, and new presets, expression engines, and a Maxscript Process Operator for the Data Channel modifier.

Also, the Volume Select modifier is now up to 10 times faster, and scene files are smaller as they are no longer saved with empty Animation Layers, Note Tracks, and Note keys.

3ds Max 2024 is available for $235/month or $1,875/year. 

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