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David Fincher Is Directing an Episode of Love, Death & Robots in Volume 3

Season 3 will be released on May 20.

The Emmy-winning animated series Love, Death + Robots is going to hit the screens on May 20 with its nine-episode third season. What's more, one of the episodes is directed by David Fincher, which makes it his first animation in this role.

Fincher's episode Bad Travelling shows the story of the crew on a shark-hunting sailing vessel "attacked by a giant crustacean whose size and intelligence is matched only by its appetite." It is written by Se7en screenwriter Andrew Kevin Walker and is based on a story by Neal Asher. The animation is done by Blur Studio.

Here is the list of Volume 3 episodes:

  • Bad Travelling
  • The Very Pulse of the Machine
  • In Vaulted Halls Entombed
  • Jibaro
  • Swarm
  • Mason's Rats
  • Three Robots: Exit Strategies
  • Kill Team Kill
  • Night of the Mini Dead

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