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Experimenting With Ultraleap's Hand-Tracking Solution in AR

Additionally, the creator wrote a shader that fades in the simulated fingers when they are colliding with the virtual objects.

AR/VR Game Developer and Co-Founder of Alientrap Games Lee Vermeulen, whom you might remember for showcasing the mesmerizing results of his experiments with fluid physics in augmented reality, has recently shared a new demo providing a look at one more impressive AR setup.

This time, the creator tested out the capabilities of Ultraleap's solution for physics-based hand interaction, showing how one can interact with virtual objects in augmented reality using the software. Additionally, the creator wrote a shader that fades in the simulated fingers when they are colliding with the virtual objects, allowing you to "see how you're virtually grasping things". The setup was powered by Unity and shot on Varjo's XR-3.

You can check out more AR experiments by visiting Lee Vermeulen's Twitter page. Also, don't forget to join our 80 Level Talent platform and our Telegram channel, follow us on Instagram and Twitter, where we share breakdowns, the latest news, awesome artworks, and more.

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