
Marmoset Toolbag 4.06 Fully Released

The new version offers extended USD support and improved texturing and rendering systems.

Marmoset has released Toolbag 4.06, the latest version of the rendering and LookDev tool. 4.06 was launched in beta back in May but it is now available in full. 

This release focuses on the extended support of the USD file format. There are also improvements to 3D painting and texturing tools, updates to the rendering system, and a lot of crash and bug fixes.

Here is a reminder of what this update brings to the table:

USD File Format

  • Added support for exporting selected meshes/objects.
  • Turntable, Shadow Catcher, fog, and backdrop objects can now be exported.
  • Mesh settings such as Cast Shadows, Cull Back Faces, Subdivision, etc are now retained when re-importing to Toolbag.
  • Light settings including intensity, shape, etc are now retained when re-importing to Toolbag.
  • Camera Limits and Curves are now retained when re-importing to Toolbag.
  • Sky objects now retain their various settings when re-importing to Toolbag.
  • When importing USD files, the default Tangent Space and Orientation settings from Preferences are now applied.


  • Added a rotation setting for the texture boxes in the Dirt and Scratch layer types.
  • The Fit to Brush setting now produces correctly transformed normal map content on a wide range of surfaces.
  • The Fit to Brush setting now applies pixel padding, solving a problem with slight gaps along UV seams.
  • Grayscale textures from the library are no longer interpreted as single channel red images when loaded into color texture slots.Fixed an inconsistency with blend modes when using linear space for color texture maps like albedo.
  • Contrast is now being applied in the correct order for some processor and procedural layers, avoiding clamping of brightness values when using low intensity and high contrast settings.
  • The preview for layers in the mask stack will no longer become out of date when their parent layer or group is disabled.

Rendering & Materials

  • The EXR file format has been added for video output, enabling the creation of HDR image sequences.
  • The list of suffixes for auto-loading textures has been updated.
  • Ambient Occlusion now works with orthographic cameras.
  • Materials with transparency now render correctly in Ray Tracing mode with UVs that go out of the 0-1 bounds.
  • Mipmapping can now be disabled with MPIC texture files, which are used for materials and images in the asset library.

Speaking of USD, Pixar, Adobe, Apple, Autodesk, and NVIDIA recently announced the Alliance for OpenUSD (AOUSD) to "promote the standardization, development, evolution, and growth of Pixar’s Universal Scene Description technology." It aims to advance the capabilities of OpenUSD to standardize the 3D ecosystem.

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