
Stunning 3D-Like Fan with Dancing Snake Animation Created in Adobe After Effects

Miu Akatsuki awed us again.

I will never get tired of Miu Akatsuki's gorgeous 2D animations that look like 3D renders, and I hope the artist will not get tired of making them. Check out this new one, a beautiful fan with a slithering snake; still in progress but already mind-blowing.

Akatsuki used Adobe After Effects' powerful abilities to make the image look so realistically three-dimensional. The hand is probably the result of their earlier experiment, honed to perfection this year.

You should definitely visit Akatsuki's X/Twitter to see other works, like this amazing snake, which might have been an inspiration for the current project, and this delicious mint chocolate chip ice cream animation.

Here are some other impressive pieces you will adore:

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