
This Japanese Studio is Making an Indie 3D Anime With Blender

Featuring occult magic and smooth character animations set up with Auto-Rig Pro.

The line between 2D and 3D art has never been more blurred than it is now, with 3D Artists masterfully replicating the aesthetics of 2D art, 2D Animators creating projects that are nearly indistinguishable from genuine 3D, and even anime – traditionally a 2D medium – embracing 3D workflows, and I'm not talking about crude CG models lazily copied into backgrounds.

Case in point, an upcoming indie anime being created by a Japanese team known as Studio Wrong, showcased recently through a couple of impressive WIP demos featuring a cute girl, voiced by konohana, performing a mysterious occult ritual.

The person responsible for the project's animation is none other than Nashi, a brilliant creator who previously impressed us with their stunning animations but, for an unknown reason, has since deleted most of their works. As for the software, Nashi utilizes Blender to bring the anime to life, along with the Auto-Rig Pro add-on for rigging character models.

As noted earlier, the project is still a work in progress, with no premiere date announced as of yet. Studio Wrong's Twitter bio mentions that "its next full-length film is scheduled to be released on February 1st," and while it's unclear if this refers to the anime in question, I'd still suggest marking that date on your calendar.

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