
Analysis: The Amazing Animation Behind Spider-Verse

Howard Wimshurst has recently shared an in-depth analysis of the animation behind the film which breaks downs and discusses some of the tricks that made the film unique.

You have to admit that the animation behind Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse is something else: the team here came up with some truly incredible techniques that helped them tell a wonderful Spidey story? So, what are those tricks? 

Howard Wimshurst has recently shared an in-depth analysis of the animation behind the film which breaks downs and discusses some of the tricks that made the film unique.

“This new Spiderman movie really caught my eye, and I got more and more impressed as I analysed it closely. Truly masterful animation and visual effects work,” states the description.

Spider-Verse is so cool that Sony has recently applied for patent protection for the animation process and technologies used for the production. You can get more details on the news here.

Don’t forget to discuss the analysis in the comments below. 

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