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Promethean AI: First Video Teaser

Promethean AI has just released a first video teaser of the new tool, which will change environment art production forever.

Back in July 2018, we’ve told you about our first impressions of the Promethean AI demo. This is a new software and AI-powered system, which radically changes the way environments are created. Just by saying (!) a couple of words to the system you can build a whole interior out of the existing assets.

When we first saw Promethean AI in action it was just a barebones demo with basic blocks and some simple assets. But the new teaser trailer actually shows a video of the finished environment. And it looks impeccable.

We’re looking forward to seeing the first public video demo of Promethean AI. The presentation we’ve seen in November looked pretty amazing, you won’t be disappointed guys. It’s still not clear when the announcement will happen, but we’re pretty sure it’s coming soon. We’ll keep you posted!

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Comments 9

  • doe

    There's nothing to worry at least from this company, all they showed in conference was work from other studios or individuals who probably didn't agreed to that. It's vaporware surfing on a media thing (A digital painting made by a trained algorithm got sold in an auction for 400 000$)
    Like every startup they claim a lot of stuff and they exploit this 'artificial' hype to death.



    ·5 years ago·
  • sanekjedi27

    @wsangi, I was rather concerned of unreasonable AI hysteria you are starting here that is not related to the topic of the post. If you would do a research for this project you'd understand that making comments like "boo, we are all doomed, AI is going to take our jobs" do not belong here. At least because there's not enough evidences for this.
    I encourage you to show respect to the authors of this project and to not accuse them on your fears. If you are so concerned about AI regulations start doing something about that know rather than making tons of comments related to this issue. Under unrelatable post.
    Best wishes.



    ·5 years ago·
  • sanekjedi27

    Besides, this tool is being created by Andrew Maximov, former tech art director in Naughty Dog. His is genuinely nice guy and he's much less interested on promoting a tool that will take creativity from the games than you think.



    ·5 years ago·
  • sanekjedi27

    @wsangi, in case you don't remember. Facebook AI was analyzing Twitter and was making replies based on human behavior over there. So you should rather question people's attitude over there rather than blame "Evil" AI.
    Besides, your comment about this here is pointless as this tool is primary to SUPPORT artists, not to REPLACE them. It will take a routine work for you so you can focus on design and storytelling (as we know, it will spread your assets in the environment). It will be a challenge for those who get used to just making assets for the sake of making assets, yes. For others, a chance on making a soulful project.



    ·5 years ago·
  • Mark

    "..A whole interior out of the existing assets." So it's a compositing tool? But I love that bit! It's UVing that needs AI - Give robots the jobs we don't want.



    ·5 years ago·
  • Anonymous user

    @wsangi that's a dark outlook man. maybe it won't be so bad after all.


    Anonymous user

    ·5 years ago·
  • Tony

    "They took are jobs" this is what environment artist will say soon :(



    ·5 years ago·
  • Cryst

    I want to say about this article, uummm this is amazing and nice post.
    color switch



    ·5 years ago·
  • doe




    ·5 years ago·

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