We are a passionate team obsessed with game and animations technologies and software development. Simplifying animation production and game development, and make the process fun is the coolest thing we can think of. This is not only our daily job but also our goal.
We are always trying to free artists' and animators' imagination and empower them with simple to use and yet powerful tools.
Miarmy Crowd Simulation for MAYA
Miarmy is a Technology & Engineering Emmy Award winning Maya plug-in software. It is dedicated to providing convenient and cost effective crowd simulation solutions for 3D content creators in animation, film, gaming, and other industries.
Miarmy Crowd for Unreal Engine
Miarmy crowd for Unreal Engine is a native UE crowd simulation plug-in. Without any blueprint or coding, you can directly generate and simulate any crowds in the game engine with language logic sentences and node parameters, supporting both Runtime and Sequencer modes.
Animcraft has defined a standard that enables universal sharing of animation, characters, and facial expression data. Built around these standards, it provides a comprehensive and efficient toolchain to streamline your workflow without sacrificing quality.
AvionFX Crowd Simulation Service
We offer one of the most sophisticated, professional and efficient crowd simulation services in the globe. With the most state of art proprietary technology and a telented team, we have successfully simulated crowd scenes for hundreds of projects and thousands of shots.