
An Open-World Pokémon Game Concept That Predates Palworld

As it turns out, an idea for a Pokémon game with Palworld-like gameplay was imagined back in 2022 using Substance 3D and Unity.

If you are among the tens of millions who've already played and enjoyed Palworld, a game many describe as "Pokémon with guns and open-world", then you'll most certainly be excited by this incredible series of concepts that imagine a Pokémon game with gameplay reminiscent of Palworld, envisioned around two years before the release of the remarkable 2024 indie title.

The series in question, conceived back in 2022 by 2D/3D Artist and Art Director at Faraway, George K., has recently resurfaced online due to growing interest in the subject matter. Inspired by the then-fresh Pokémon Legends: Arceus and the creator's childhood memories of the TV show's first season, this fan-made project offers a glimpse into what a large-scale Pokémon game could have been like, maintaining the original aesthetics and atmosphere of the Pokémon franchise.

"I remember how we fantasized as kids about how cool it would be if in the future Pokémon video games let you do everything you see on a Pokémon TV show," commented the author on the idea behind the project. "It is a game that gives you unlimited possibilities in exploring the world of Pokémon. And that's how I got the idea to try to make a small fan-made project that would showcase the Pokémon game of my childhood dreams."

As for the software, the creator employed tools such as Maya, Substance 3D Painter, Photoshop, and Illustrator, as well as the Unity engine, to bring his ideas for the imaginary game to life. George further reiterated, for obvious reasons related to Pokémon's rights holder, that the project was created solely to demonstrate the concept and idea and does not pursue any commercial purposes.

You can find the full collection by visiting George's ArtStation page. We also recommend visiting the artist's Instagram, Behance, and LinkedIn pages to check out his more recent works.

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Comments 12

  • Anonymous user

    And here’s why the Pokemon franchise sucks. They know what we want- open world Pokemon with MMO capability. But we get dumpster fires instead. Palworld came along and ate their lunch, and I couldn’t be happier.


    Anonymous user

    ·a year ago·
  • Anonymous user

    I love how ppl wanna complain now


    Anonymous user

    ·a year ago·
  • Anonymous user

    It's still baffling to me that these pokemon fans saying that "See!? Palworld lost 40% of players because it's boring!" don't realize that normal people, sane people, don't play ONE GAME. Is it that hard to understand that maybe...just maybe, people still love the game and want to play more but at the same time don't want to lose their sanity over playing only Palworld for months? I know, weird concept. Other games exist and we can still love Palworld while playing another game. Shocker.

    At least we're not the ones crying in a corner with Gamefreak and Nintendo trying our hardest to make them do something for jealousy, because that's what it is. All of the accusations were all unfunded and born out of jealousy.


    Anonymous user

    ·a year ago·
  • Anonymous user

    It's more Monster Rancher than Pokemon to be fair


    Anonymous user

    ·a year ago·
  • Anonymous user

    But it took palworld releasing to get them to throw this nugget of info out. To me sounds like hey we could give this too but it's not gonna be full circle like pal world snack on a pokemon turn squirtle into a sled type deal. Also like the building aspect that palword throws into the game that pokemon will never give. Palworld filled my need for pokemon,harvest moon,and building. What's pokemon gonna give me catch 600+ pokemon not get crap outta it and get same drivle storyline as most pokemon throw out.


    Anonymous user

    ·a year ago·
  • Anonymous user

    MAKE POKKEN TOURNAMENT 2 ALREADY! These turn based games have a fraction of the fan base that any real time action game does. Palworld is an example of just how hungry fans are for something fun and entertaining to play. Stop wasting so much money on these half hearted, boring, clones of shit from the early 2000's.


    Anonymous user

    ·a year ago·
  • Anonymous user

    Oh how convenient for them. They had a game planned out that all the fans were screaming for and didn't release it but now that palworld did it they are upset that we gave our money to them.


    Anonymous user

    ·a year ago·
  • Anonymous user

    What's the name of this Pokemon game because it's not even on the Nintendo eShop


    Anonymous user

    ·a year ago·
  • Anonymous user

    How...convenient that this comes to light now...


    Anonymous user

    ·a year ago·
  • Anonymous user

    Reason why palworld is hemmoraging players is cuz they finished whats there, tge games EA, so many people who dont understand that the game is only 60% finished, just wait till they releasy new pals, or islands, or finish the remaining game alltogether, hype will be back

    Nintendo dropped the ball, sure, but the only real dumpster fire was arceus, it was still usefull to keep us warm till violet and scarlet cane out, all we can do is hope they release something as good as those


    Anonymous user

    ·a year ago·

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